WarriorCarryingWater | Poetry Vibe
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The human race is a chase, the prey is our dreams.

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Views: 264

The next time you get a $100 gift card 
Take some sage advice from this old bard
Buy a few shares of stock online
Buying depreciating assets is a big waste of time
Take advantage of dollar cost averaging while you are still in your prime
It will pay in dividends when you're old, crazy and blind
I tell everyone who will listen about my biggest investing regret
I once spent $70 for ten shares of a stock people had never heard of yet
Back in 2001, the company was called Amazon
Today that $70 investment is worth a small fortune
Had I bought a few more shares over the years
I'd be a millionaire with a care - buying everyone round of beers
Instead, whenever  I'd get gift cards I'd just squander it away
Never again - I'm looking for the next Amazon today!

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Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Get it

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