igotastory | Poetry Vibe
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I would Like to thank EVERYONE for all the love and comments that you all took time out to write. I really appreciate it all and I will return soon just need to take a break from the world and get in my own zone.. Only the real will understand what I mean. I love me some love and to return the same. Thank you all so much!!!!

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Just A Lil Somethin Somethin


just different

Views: 337

Times Are hard and that something we all know and the tomatoes will grow brighter the more the stems grow...

Okay Okay I was just avoiding the talk about all my personal feelings.I didn't ask to be brought here but look where I'm at, I turned my phone off because I've grown tired of the fakes calling me back. Just another person going on that block list i like getting up and going my life has no space for kids.

I said I loved you and it was something i really meant but all the arguing and the backstabbing secrets, it was just a waste of time because it wasn't worth sh*t not a nickel and certainly not a d*m dime

At first i was afraid of losing you because deeply i felt i was losing myself but myself is right here with me and i don't need your help. I can sit here and say how i wish i never met you or how bad i hate you i could even go over to your house and take all my frustrations out on your new truck. Bust your windows out I fell like being on some Jasmine Sullivan stuff.

But I'm better then that because in reality I'm better then you ,you think you so strong boy you wouldn't last a day in my shoes. But you can never tell me about myself because no one knows me better then I do,and you think you can find you another one well good luck trying to..

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