hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Now Your Messing With A Son Of A



Views: 325



you crossed me

that did it

you insulted my intelligence


yet who are they really anyways ?

you live behind four walls that close in

it's too late you blew it

my pride is on the floor

lest I implore more

but that of what

a challenge to be free is a quest of time

you gave me the middle finger

just remember there's four fingers pointing right back at you

have I bitten off far more then I could chew ?


Now your messing with a son of a

give you another lousy dish

you tend to sweep things underneath the rug

no sense of remorse from me & no love

you bit & devour with viscous fangs that bite dripping blood of side

go run away & hide

standing alone with a noose around my neck

what the heck is this life for ?

it's not known in a Studio 54

nor of that a Warhol piece of Campbell soup cans

hopefully someday you will understand

that you can't get away from sticking it to the man

life is to short for losers like you

sit back with your spaghetti with sauce & Ragu

you got eyes of blackened hot wired stench

ears that hear but you straddle the fence

said you read your books in school but you haven't made a dent

try to even the score lest I implore

another place in time hence another door

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