hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Agnus & Esther


just different

Views: 247


there once lived two witches alone in a barren home
locked away from he outside world but still social
the pair were there own best friends
Each grew their hair very long

they had a cat named Bernice that would frequently drink
Each had their own ritual to honor the dead
What was going on inside their heads ?
On one such encounter really rare for the pair

A village photographer capture the true eerie essence of them
Satanic demonstrations that would spill the girls around in mid air
They were once friends with a nearby Warlock but he had died
Agnus cried but it never seemed to bother Esther

The both live a quaint village of Croate, Minnesota
They exist to spread their faith as a true Wiccan sect
They make there living by selling fruits & vegetables on their stand
Neighbors think they are really whacked out & crazy

But the pair was never found to be lazy

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