hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Momma Of Pearls



Views: 216


Since there's nothing I could find
That was worth giving you,
I sat down to think a while
And write a line or two

If I had a magic wand
I'd wave it just for you,
And give you anything you'd like
No matter how many or few

If I could give you back the years
You so willingly gave to me
I'm sure that you spend them over again
The same as they used to be

Remember when those days and nights
Instead of going to the fair
I'd always say tell me again
The story of the three little bears

I tried to get a strawberry pie
But they were out of season
Then I thought of gold or pearls
But knew there was no reason

Although you are so often quiet
There's one thing we can say,
You will always be our momma of pearls
forever and a day...

So here's your gift; my sweet momma
My heart; my soul; my love,
My gift to you this Christmas day
Came strictly from above

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