hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Beats To The Rhyme


just different

Views: 257

I got beats to the rhyme

the rhyme for any reason

busta nut in a rut its the changing of the season

giving me a smack attack cause things are falling apart

have to light the spark to what I'm searching for

back in the day at Studio 54 kicking it with a two bit whore

the world today is crazy nothing shady

when I look into the mirror my face is getting clearer

see life is one big test let me put it to the rest

I don't listen to haters there bunch of a dictators

being an inspiration proving to people of creation

popping pills & drinking kills

got to put things in check

God is all you need knock it to your knees

the tears e shed the blood he dreads

got to stay on the narrow to grasp

we are but mice stuck in a maze be brave & stay awake

just like Shaggy & Scoobie Doo we have bitten off more then we could chew.


let the music be your flow

bust up the beats & increase the tempo

life goes by so fast

having so much fun with a hope that it would last

light up the sky let's get a little high

just one step at a time so stand in line

beats to the rhyme you shall shine

a one time weary soul lost in time

trying to fry bacon in the pan

hopefully someday all will understand

blind fools chasing white lines

we both knew it was a matter of time

got to stir the pot while you still can

never try to keep sticking it to the man

seem some things were never meant to be

I was blind to see now I know that you needed to be free

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