hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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The Rise Of The Throne


just different

Views: 217


solemn peaks in their traverse sport
the sway of a cool breeze coupled with a stench
an odor of aroma coming from a nearby warehouse
we all have traveled this road before
a timely given chance at which to explore
perhaps this was the path where Nero once tread
many lines of thought running through my head
as in society today its the walking dead
wheels of steel just to walk the New York mile
just to know all the while with a smile
the rise of the throne when your all alone
a polished hand with greet you & begin to teach you
we all must learn from each pathway we go
places with faces that we need to know
snap shot memories in your past
having so much fun with a hope that it would last
we must look above to the heavenly love
in time you will shine like never before
lest I implore another opened door
The rise of the throne when i'm home all alone
searching for bread like a dog without its bone
we can each learn from our mistakes call it fate
every new day is a discovery to take you to places where you want to be...
what is my last and final plea
never give up on your dreams

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