hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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first love

Views: 245


Her delicate eyes do twinkle in the pale sunlight
 When I look into her eyes it is then I see a bright future
 Filled with hope for a brighter tomorrow amidst the sorrow
 She dances in a ring of fire
 Yet throws off its challenge with a shrug
 Always smiling cause she's happy
 Likes horse & Justin Beaver
 So no matter what the weather she is there
 With a beautiful flower in her hair
 Singing in her heart without a care
 Her name is Marissa
 How the fellows want to kiss her
 She made her way
 Out on the stage of life
 A little bit of ginger & spice
 The splash of everything nice
 She often wrote in her pretty little diary
 About the way life used to be
 Getting a pop from the ice cream man
 Loving her neighbor the best way she can
 In time she would shine
 A light of love at the beauty pageant
 A real sweet heart lady & it was no accident
 She would win the contest with glee
 Marissa would go down making sweet history

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