gsng | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 322


i fall inside
the warmth of your gaze.
i watch as your fears
melt into mine
and i can no longer tell
who is (more) afraid.

i call you out
to show you places
where we need to
bridge the gap
before we both fall in.

i close you in,
until i think maybe
you might understand
we both have feelings.


i am hoping that
you'll be here,
cradling the outline
of my curves

holding me tightly
through the night
until we both
wake up again.

i can even say
i like sleeping now
because i like the way
you feel pressed snug against my skin.


you can't seem to figure
what is going on
or don't think i am
strong enough to bring along

remember i am.
i am ready and willing
and waiting
for you to take that chance on me.

so keep me inside
tucked and safe
instead of deciding
to push me away.

i can be forever
if you can be always.

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