hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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The Monk



Views: 175



Alone in isolation

Away from all known civilization

There lived a monk

Personal reflections with the sacraments

Devotion to Jesus Christ

He hides in humble seclusion

Works in the garden

Strawberries with nectar of honey

He never had a greed or a thirt for money

Lover of life and love for the arts

Wearing long robes with a cross

The monk had a secret place he used to go

Under his bed there was a secret passage way

inside was filled with beautiful paintings and writings

He was a secret artist and poet

The monk would paint until his hearts content

Alone by himself in his own hermitage

He would rise only for dinner

To visit the other monks go figure

No one knew of his fantasy world excursion

One day a petition was made

The holy monk order would allow people to visit

They would also be allowed inside the monks room

A young lad crawled under the monks bed

He took out a scroll with very ancient writings on it

The elder monk was then questioned by his superiors

The scroll was based upon a forbidden city

Near the gate of hell

Inside were demonic beings let loose

Creatures to invade your very reason

The monk in question was deeply ashamed

but instead of leaving he was very brave and stayed

Said he would be on his best behavior & behave

The secret scroll would leave a chill down your spine

For now the monk wallows in his locked in memories in his mind.

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