hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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The Final Curtain



Views: 267



We each seek for solace

Amidst a port in a storm

Some insist to even curse

The very day they were actually born

Others listen in silence amidst the violence

Sought a peace from two different worlds

One soul soars while the other one burns

Each of us wanders as nomads

Life is made up with little moments

We remember are past but forget the future

Singing sounds to the deepest melody of are hearts

Light the fire to ignite the flame to start

To what we have been waiting for

Let pure love be the duration of our lives

Life is built on snap shot moments

Look at nature through solace

Each season of life has a new perspective

Up through the fonal curtain oe even beyond

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