hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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just different

Views: 193


We all have done it & noticed it
Yet only a few of us admit it
We run right in front of a lively squirrel
Then we try to pretend that nothing happened
It's road  kill
Some may insist it is a sport a cheap thrill
But we all have been through that
it will give some of us a heart attack
All the guts coming out in the open
Splattered as crows eat it's extremities
Blackened death of a stench
Yet there's little you can ever do
All the maggots want to chew
Some will even stop and pick up its carcus
this will start an open circus
living through loop holes inside of fish bowls
Still through its bitter nastiness
all of life is still a test
what is one willing to do
many have bitten off far more then they could ever chew
let's try to avoid this at all costs
so this will not end in a tragic loss

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