hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Trump's Ivory Tower


just different

Views: 221


While he sits there alone
in the silence of his room
does he have compassion
excuse me for asking
I know he wrote a book in all
The Art Of The Deal
got is at his seminar
but that didn't go far
now he's the man on the throne
yet he appears so alone
like a dog without its bone
still he'll push one roller
as he works on his comb over

still we have many questions that aren't answered
stay off the pedal of the gas cause he's moving to fast
we got a no it all for a president but is it any wonder
he's got to much time on his hands
the world is turning and beds are burning
going to build us a great wall
for that you claim many will stand ten feet tall
still were being stuck in the fiddle playing second fiddle
when will he deliver or am I to late for dinner
only Trump knows what he's really doing
inside he might be fighting those hidden demons
the lust for greed for power
time to take a cold shower
in Trump's ivory tower

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