hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Blood Soaked Feeble Minded Mutants



Views: 175



the streets were covered with an illusion

a vast amount of clothes we sent from the Orient in a box...

puzzled look by some passerby's

covered emblems with dashing brilliance


beneath the earth the creatures do dwell

but I have a good story to tell

the box came from the outer banks of Hell

legend has it stored in columns of writings


there was a fir trapper in line for a new position...

he was an important socialite & wanted to start a new conversation,

over a period of time he showed his face


tiny eyes with a big head with a bullet hole inside...

he was shot by accident from his uncle

yet he survived the whole ordeal

he brought up the story of the box


that night he fell into a deep sleep

only to awake to feeble minded mutants running through his head...

calling him further & wanting him dead

he lay puzzled and dismissed the whole event,


later in the morning when he arose

out the dead smack in the road was a mutant...

the fir trapper drew nearer to look

it grabbed a hold of his leg and bit him

days would pass having no reason to grasp


the trapper fell really ill & turned into a zombie mutant...

the streets got word & shot the man dead

but that wasn't the end quite yet

lest ye forget the box now in lock & chain


it suddenly opened and the streets were filled with these mutants once again

no one had a cure for the were all doomed

until the uncle from the late fir trapper appeared with a silver bullet able to kill mutants...


he loaded his gun and one by one they lay dead...

what was going on inside his head

but that was the end my friend

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