JustOneStoryTeller | Poetry Vibe
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Just a story teller of life, love, and unpredictable journey as we make our way on our own path of life.

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Views: 267

I remember it was a cold

snowy Philadelphia day when

he passed my way


his Jag silver and glittering

like his eyes he was so fine

I wasn’t surprised


His soul was electric body

was swaying as his Timberlands

was side stepping in my direction


Every inch of his body I

respected in every way our

lips parted and a smiled



He got in his car as I continued

to flow while my heart begin to



I had to grab my soul stand

firm breathe and take control

felt like sunshine with a

California breeze


I knew I had to be cool get my

composure brotha had me weak

at the knees


Dark rich chocolate a black

sweet berry full of pride

and cultured esteem



At that moment eternity was mine

I was ready with open arms to

receive it each time I pass that

street my mind retrieves it


you see quietly meditating trying

to maintain my mental stability as

I inhale the breaths of life he

gave me that winter day


And even though it was just a passing

glance he made my heart dance to

destiny’s beat


Traveling the road before me was

a scent a sweet melody a subtle

hint that we will meet again one day


© ByYvonne Coleman-Burney

Pen Name AqueenPassing  2003


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