hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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A Unique Perspective



Views: 213


shower my love among the sun
carry it's story with a bit of fun
shallow peaks stand erect by force
each of us is responsible for are actions
let the picture permeate in your mind
a symbolic vortex in ellusive swag
we need to under go a transformation
set aside some quality time
develop a unique perspective to shine
in sought after columns of pillars
from the setting sun to a vast new day
awake to dream a chance to create
with pen on a paper we shall discover
snap shot memories of are past
having so much fun with a hope it would last
no one in this life gets by on a free pass
love is kind a of funny when your broke without any money
but let me share my testimony
I'm deeply humbled to take time to learn
another story told a page being turned
having a love that's greater then self
like sifting through sand in search of gold
let the truth be told until the rights to you are sold

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