hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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The Secret Place



Views: 162




in the silence of my thoughts

pitter patter of soft sandal feet

a candle lit in the corner of my room


time well spent in thought

sullen brevity

my soul permeates sweet humble affection





through the vortex

the peace that passes understanding

beauty in sullen brevity

all of life seems to be a mystery

the knocking of the door

think back

to a time well spent in thought

captivated by love

love is the vibrant essence of my inner existence

shun the resistance in every circumstance


we shall meet here daily

to ponder are togetherness

nestled in the very fabric of our existence

the secret place

away from the hustle and bustle

shadows block the space

a beacon of light to a hurting world in need of love

those memories

the moments lived out in twilight



a challenge to be set free is a question of time

still dig much deeper then ever before

the touch of the hand that captivated a smile

the vast light of illumination

to bask in the vast expanse between space & time

a real reason to believe

a face to shine


the days end

or has it just begun

we are in search of something

but in heaven's name what ?


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