hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Step Off



Views: 208




homeboy got capped in the knee

out in the streets

let the truth be told

where as years ago

with Grandmaster P

he was born in the gutter

his momma was a whore

selling her junk in the trunk

in back of the liquor store

screaming more more more

raised my his aunt named Mable

feeding her dog Rex underneath the table

as time went by so very fast

having every reason to ask

the spin off the hook was the great climax


in time he learned to relax

to bask in the vast expanse

cause he got the hook up

two turn tables with a mic

sold a lot of weed to get that sweet

getting hekicked in a neighborhood bar

still spinning records the best he can

"Step off" with his reply whenever he was tested

his life reflected a reason to believe in rap

a willingness to achieve

that was until a gang banger put a bullet through his head

shot him dead so they thought

now he was in a hospital bed face full of lead

there he suffered in complete silence

amidst all the pain & violence

tubes in his veins lying there dead

then came a pulse

next a heart beat

his eyes suddenly opened

folks thought he was only joking

came fully to his senses

with eyes twitching


spoke his first words, "Step Off"

then we all knew he was alive and kicking

then he gazed at the streets looking for the one that did this

instead of violence he sought forgiveness even to the thug that struck him down

Master B was right back in the studio

rapping & capping

he found love as a sure fire way to go

that was years ago so today he still preaches to the masses

always teaching on love and his free passes

"Step Off" is still his slogan but he's got a new boss now

can't turn back when your hands on the plow


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