Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Views: 218

Quite fantastically
I was forced to stand my ground adamantly
Felt the TRUTH reaching out and grabbing me
Pains of negativity were stabbing me
So adamantium has been grafted to my anatomy
Although my spirits growth did NOT happen accidentally
I used to be a preacher teacher man yet did it fanatically
Was always Hermetically inclined drastically
Enabling my chromosomes to heal my body rapidly
Activating my genetically divine tapestry
Generating my own hyper-intellectual rhapsody
Word play moving faster than the speed of light
As they converge too elaborately
This twin draco with a halo lays low
Emits more energy than the power of gravity
A forcible shape shift
Causing a space rift with tenacious voracity
The walking epitome of a breathing anomaly
Forget nationality for it is all irrationality
I speak profundity rather than normal practicality
Insane truth spoken rather than spreading virus type fallacy
Created in the heavens and trained in the divine mind academy
I have more than a duality as I spit my reality
My presence will be feared
As I will be looked upon as the personification of disastrously
Stepping onto your planet I will cause more than a grand canyon size cavity
Spitting helix bars to reveal my various quantum tonalities
I must interject myself so I don't project a new modality
Because where I'm from is a ten million light year distant galaxy

This poetic pantheons minds ponderings
Possesses a symposium and is sympathetic to symphonies
Allowing me to compose deeply rooted harmonic melancholies
Medicinal word play to heal your emotional maladies
Filling you with spiritual truth
Because most are empty with emotional bankruptcy
Reviewing lives depraved and honoring only depravity
I enter your world to reveal your potentiality

I'm not like a landlord absentee
Awaiting to see you fill your life with calamity
Neither am I am boogey man ghost in the sky
Because I am real and not a fantasy

My verbiage is designed to open up your auric personalities
And reveal the higher self because it will empower you substantially

For my essence is purely made to be beyond subatomic philanthropy
My presence is needed to reveal that you are all one under one universality

Most of what I speak are self affirmations spoken eloquently and yet tactically
Influential past time of divine chimes caused me to do things tragically
Became a spirit impenetrable extravagantly
Sought out religiously
The mind contaminant that don't see pain with the eyes of compassion
And try to help humanity passionately

Everything I do, I do it powerfully enigmatically
I give my entire being to make measures drastically
Offering life lines and treasures
But I'm looked down up stigmatically
But none can touch me
Because I dwell under an ethereal canopy
And was born to thunder truth to the world dynamically
Never move mechanically
Although perfection is spit practically!

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