JustOneStoryTeller | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
Just a story teller of life, love, and unpredictable journey as we make our way on our own path of life.

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Views: 418


It now dictates

what I am suppose

to be


I am the ho you the



big houses fancy cars

now make you a star?


I am now viewed

as a woman with

a bigso now

have I lost my class?


and you have the

nerve to ask

come on baby

back that thang up!


Shake that money maker


Video’s TV shows

with half-naked booties

men running around with

their fake mask “talking

about can I get the fruity rooty

tooty special to go


“Yeah TV” got my kids

your kids their kids thinking

blinking on the bling bling


and the saying goes

ain't got a thing if you ain't

got that swing


do watt do watt


But come on player

let’s just get real

we all know the deal


You talking street

hustling shot calling

slinging money you

ain’t got yet


So what message are you sending me?

by grabbing a mic pulling your pants

down below the waist

turning a cap around backward

and start rapping about what

do I hear you talking about?

some education and dedication

to the beautiful thing you do have


Do I see you mentoring those

kids on the block that’s looking

at you with a glee in their eyes

wanting to be a B-baller like you?


You ain’t telling them the real deal

you talking about stealing playing

as many women as you can

shooting looting  polluting your set with violence

and there is no alliance for a truce yet


The reds still fighting the blue and you

trying to dictate what I am supposed to



“what happen to that boy”


“what happen to that boy”



Like the Crosby show telling me this

Is the typical black family


I don’t think so


Most are dysfunctional maybe

got one parent rarely two

struggling to know who you are

by the contents that peeps within you


And so you see when

there is no cooperation

dedication and consideration

maybe just a little love in sight

there is no vision and

the only decision is to follow

the TV’s life


coming from

what the streets dictate to you

getting a cop-out rate

it does not educate our

children to be better than

what they see

but this is the world now

through the eyes of a TV


Be positive be strong and be

diligent have some respect

teach our children there is something

better to follow then the same old



Ladies but some clothes back on

demand more than what you’re getting

“Some Respect!”

  I think you been forgetting

cause the flash of the cash got your mind

singing a harmony you can’t keep

but look into the eyes of the lie and the

truth you will peep


Knowledge is power and

something you can keep

pick up a book instead of a gun you

might be surprised when your course is run

wisdom has begun

Better yet!  Just turn the TV off…

Yvonne Coleman-Burney




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mrmelody7 says:

Had to take my time to get into this piiece infinite knowledge you bring forth well scripted so truthful me love the sports cooking shows those nature shows great write and distant journey
Contest Winner  

kewayne wadley says:

I love it's depth. Nothing but truth! KW

JustOneStoryTeller says:

Thank you Mr. M yeah it is a long one lol try not to write to many of these. Appreciate the love

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JustOneStoryTeller says:

Thank you, Kewayne, thanks for stopping by to comment appreciate it

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QueenPB says:

So much truth. Our youth is following behind the TV.

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