She survives!
Even through the pain she survives.
Refusing to live in vain. She survives.
Smile lighting her face through the pain;
Transforming depression to peace, love and happiness under her wings.
She flies so high that her world takes place in the sky.
You would think she is lost only to stand corrected, she's found.
Found in self love and refusing to come down.
She still loves after love hurts over and over again.
Trusting God because he is in control of her plan.
Her eyes strike with a piercing stare, only because all the tears she share, with her cheeks.
But she survives with no intentions of hurting or being hurt.
Not living for the world, for her existence is a mirror to perfection for entering heaven.
Giving without expecting.
Only when received it's truly a blessing, because she is a survivor still being tested.