through the pain of torment coming your way
paying no need to ever bow the knee to pray
but is there really another way
when your knocked to the cement floor on a fours
don't stop believing
your mind can play a few nasty tricks getting caught up in the mix
barbed wire fences with fractured skulls that scream
living in an evil world that could be so very mean
borowed books with papers having no eraser
a winner is just another quitter that gets knocked down still gets up & gives it one last try
a pop fly in the eye of an out fielder to catch
when Sodom met up with Gamorah
one soul sails while the other one burns
as the world slowly turns
we each hit rock bottom in life amidst its strife
the band Journey sings about it
many preachers profess it in there sermons
when the ninety nine sheep were in the fold God's heart was with the one lost
his love for you is the great eternal constand amidst all the inconsistencies of your walk
your a card carrying mmber of the human race so let's celebrate