The Cunning Linguist | Poetry Vibe
The Cunning Linguist
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 14000
contest winner
lightness in the dark
For every beautiful woman that you see somewhere, somewhere there's a man who's tired of looking at her.

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just different

Views: 204

Never did I think that I'd wind up where I am now,

profess'nally it's lookin sweet but pers'nally it's sour,

I give my strongest efforts just to demonstrate I care,

I go to grab a hand but when I look, there's nothing there.


A ballad of a player who has had the roles reversed,

I think that things are better but they're really that much worse,

cause when you're in decline it's hard to make it back on top,

the efforts and attempts to do it right, for now they stop.


It's tiring to feel as though you're winning but you lose,

it's all inside the game; some people say I've paid my dues,

but nothing as disheart'ning as this journey in my shoes,

with rumors of the heart you start to think they all are true.


A man who's lost it all but might just get it back, that's me,

mixed messages and mixed emotions meant to hurt, that's deep,

it tears you up so much inside you find it hard to eat,

your body's getting tired cause you find it hard to sleep.


Enough with all the loneliness, enough with all these tears,

enough with all this emptiness, enough with all these fears,

enough with trying to heal a gunshot with adhesive tape,

I'll fall back deep within myself, at least in there it's safe.


I risked my heart and soul because I went out on the limb,

but now I'm walking back and I won't walk out there again,

it hurts to have that feeling like you feel you've been betrayed,

so deep inside myself is where I'll hide, I think I'll stay.



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social seer says:

It's all a matter of contradictions--which is everybody's burden. Smooth write.

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