Bragee | Poetry Vibe
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Somewhere between a drunk that turns into a poet and a poet that is turning into a drunk....#WritersBlock

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Silent Soldier



Views: 254

One day you can be fine…

Then the next day everything that's ever been wrong comes back all at one time.

One line,


One lie every time they ask are u ok? & you say I’m Fine.

Gotta hide it.

Because depression isn't a game that people pick up and play to get attention.

Its Unintentional retention of bull that you drink to try and forget.

It's helplessly sending help me text that you hope don't get responded to.

But why would they when the message doesn't contain the word help because pride won't let you….


God won't let you die!

No matter how many times try!

At least not by his hand so the only option is suicide,

Which you don't have the balls to do anyway.

At least not today.

But tomorrow might be a different story…

Depression nibbles away at the soul.

It devours the will to fight in just one bite.

One night,

Is all it takes once the demons take over.

Finally convincing you that the end of life brings the end of depression one step closer.

Finally…. it’s over…

Now it’s one day too late and everyone talks about how they wish they could have helped you.

Not realizing you wished they could have helped too.

If only they had realized that depression isn't a game it's the silent war in your head that you fought without backup because they'd just tell you to get over it.

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JustOneStoryTeller says:

"Bravo" understand! this is some real talk been there done that got a T-shirt wanna see it ? but really you got a beautiful voice of pain, hurt and lot of things you need to really keep sharing it you will be surprised how many people you will touch. You just touched me already Blessings my fellow poet!

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Bragee says:

I would love to see it! Thank you for reading

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