Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 34100
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Designed Entity



Views: 263

Designed with the highest level of sensibility
Foresight for more fights
Able to see with precise discernability
Never felt or even thought that I would have the inability
To find inner peace, solace and divine tranquility
It was just hard for me to find truth and its logical credibility
But because I am a man of such great adaptability

I allowed myself to have that much more metaphysical information accessibility
I may appear angered and livid but I’m actually timid
At first glance you prefer to not even give me a chance of a glance
Or even the opportunity to have an intellectual dance
But I shine, as I am a man of grand accountability
It is ingrained in my character to not live with or adjust to corruptibility

Too smart for my own good but still without some gullibility
But honestly speaking, of me there is no comparability
I have high levels of mental prowess and intellectual facilities
My mind is quantum awesome so I have divine impenetrability
Although I admittedly commit myself to the possibility of emotional fragility
Because I recognize intellectually

That there is always the possibility and the eventual inevitability
That being human I just may mess up and have a moment of irresponsibility
And at such a time it may be of consequence with grand irreversibility
Because although I control my destiny and path daily
I may mess up on my own karmic manipulability

Not every scenario I admit even though I devote myself to and commit
That they are easy solutions or simple manageability
Powerful exterior with words of wisdom yet with a soul of transparent vulnerability
Because I acknowledge the heart has a short time span
And will one day enter into the realm of perishability
So I work tenaciously never maliciously but fervently and meticulously
To rely on no one but self to always feel safe under my own pillar of self-reliability
And you MUST admit that my word play and poetic entrances you with no deniability
For sometimes I utilize the power of grammar
That could draw you with such mercaba field irresistibility

So I work hard emotionally deliciously to daily choose to enthuse
Although outside my personality to be a socialite and refuse
I fight with my many selves that keep me held down and confused
I have chosen to refuse to lose, HENCE, I never do lose
Soft spoken and yet with a gentle power
That ONLY a Fire Dragon could convey
All other zodiac animals and signs remain speechless
Which proves NONE of them know what to say

So here I am living another day
Finding it a bit difficult to keep within the many things I wish to say
My mind races faster than NASCAR
And it’s THAT hard with few scars to touch even two stars

But I reach out to the cosmos to feel and get brightened
Then suddenly the weight on my shoulders no longer hurt because they quickly do lighten
And I lose my insecurities and I no longer feel frightened
Because I make sure to learn the lessons of each circumstance
And so now I HAVE BEEN enlightened

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