2b2b2 | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
Love First and Love Lasts

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Ultra Made'Em (Ultimatum)


just different

Views: 385

Watch  closely for  black  hats and white  rabbits

Catching  glimpses  of  commercial  breaks,  on replay

Inbetween  CSI  and  National  Anthems  unsung  on  display

Wholly  constituted  and  perpetrated  in  concerts’ of  dupes

Actively  shooting  for  ratings  compliance  that  is  fool  proof

Can’t  turn  a-way  society,  listening  to  carnival  barkers,  barking

Looking  for  volunteers  in  an  always  controlled  studio  setting

Preying  on  dim-wittedness,  believing  everything  their  eyes  see

Equating  the  Blessing  of  God  to  withholding  seasoned  ticket  purchasing

Viewing  pleasure  for  good  measure,  as  Lady  Liberty  is  sawed  in  half

Peeps  are  astounded  and  confound  at  the  profound  sleight  at  hand

Looking  for  answers  from  media  magi  to  explain  by  repeating  commentary

No  one  ever  remembers  what  had  happen was…..right  before  what  happens

So  revolutions  die,  like  auld  lang  syne,  buried  beneath  the  latest  crisis  actions

Proof  is  told  in  tales  of  the  bold  First  Responses  to  Calls  of  Duty,  pledging  allegiance

Heroes  sandwiched  between  breadwinners  paying  extra  taxes  towards  expanded  military

Next  up  for  a  variety  in  between  acts  is  the  canary  in  the  coal mine,  dog  whistling

Crowds  will  gather  because  afterall  that  is  what  free-dumb  assures,  so  no  one  knows….

No  one  sees……yet  accepts  this  seemingly  senseless  fascination,  at  innocents  sacrificed

Nowadays  bulletins (bullet-tons)  reign  down  on  our  very  existence, persistently  interrupting  dissent

For  the  prize  is  our  lives  shortened  by  supporting  authorities   allowing  impossible  feats’?

WATCH  YOUR  BACK……..when  the  common  people  start  balking,  for  you  too  can  be  sequestered

In  public  places  or  in  ranches  in  deserts  to  partake  in  status  quo  games  of  thrones  if  the…..

Price  Is  Right,  there  is  no  contesting………Ultimatums  expressed  by  life  and  death  gameshows!!


“Prayers of comfort  to  all  those  who  lost  their  lives and their families  to  senseless  man  made  bewitchment”


No  More  MK  ULTRAs

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mrmelody7 says:

Powerful Powerful Powerful so much to chew and swallow always keep that powerful pen flowing you educate folks right nicely always
Contest Winner  

Kingqadardwon' says:

Man man man.... This is Truly inspirational and the whole truth... The enemy of the people is fake news... We don't believe in this staged stuff and see through it like a pure glass of alkaline water... This was a crazy, superb, and rerevolutionary people... The revolution won't be stopped by cassette tape madness.. Outstanding work brother..
Contest Winner  

Charles2 says:

Well said... the enemy of we, the people... has broke the code and hacked their way into the GOV... has occupied the oval office ...and taken over chocolate city...

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