JustOneStoryTeller | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
Just a story teller of life, love, and unpredictable journey as we make our way on our own path of life.

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Views: 285

Searching me looking

over me through me like

something was missing or

something stolen


Dusting me with powders

to trace any fingerprints

from a heated touch

passions retreat


Even had a search

a warrant said it

gave them the right

to look and search

everything and



I asked what they might

be looking for, but they said

they would know when they

found it


Next thing I know they

were staring at me all looking

at me like I had murdered

someone, haunting me

with their stares


I asked what was wrong they

said they found what they were

looking for I said what

and they said I was in the clear

all they found was evidence

of love


__Yvonne Coleman-Burney


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