hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Digging for gold



Views: 210



let the truth be told

nuggetts of great wisdom to unfold

wisdom is the principle thing

with alll they getting gain understanding

life is made up of moments as these

the little things mean so much

like an old tire that sits around and rusts

it's the ability to trust

to pick a proper word

fresh out of the Autumn air

so why should we even care


blue eyes crying in the rain

digging for gold

let the truth be told

our weight oversome its gravity

inside its great cavity

mean hearts can be brough together

no matter what the weather

as light as a feather

through a variation in a dream

people tend to scream

eating lots of ice cream

yet it all starts from within

a very good way to begin

won't you be my special friend

must each grom to depend until the very end

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