hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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A Reason To Be


Views: 217


standing on the corner
suit cases in my hand
looking for a place to lay my head
amidst the walking dead
shadows block the vortex in my mind
slowly I move one step at a time to climb
there is a crystal clear vision in my mind
a soul that wanders but filled up with desire
to trust in a reason to be
amidst a timeless homily

vibrations taunt the textile glove
just a man who is deep in love
hard wired for my souls desire
climax on the rocks with a big straw hat
working to hard can give you a heart attack
the world is a field marked on a blotted page yet clearly intact
post cards and sweet candy's
gone are the days when Sid met Nancy
must get back to my senses mending the fences

join in love's feast connection
sweet lucsious kisses with sullen brevity
love is in the duration of my mind
once could see but today I'm blind
crafted by a great design to shine

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