hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Dreaming Again


just different

Views: 243

Dreaming Again

deeper onto deep
ludic dreams & hay
where the body lay
the soul permeates a reason for being
a struggle from deep within
out of the heart comes a word
as if you haven't already heard
I'm falling head long into a vast expanse of sand
when will you ever live to understand
we stand in cadence through the visualization of twilight
alone with words calmly expressed
getting caught up in the mix
in this place I see a door
to open to a world of frightful creatures
zombie in duration with long hanging fangs
skulls crushed under the hidden garb of compromise through its lies

still deeper we go through a flame
let me be the first to explain
chatter with eyes having spots & alone
then I see another door & open
light of illumination vested angelic domain
white curtains with matchless brevity
somber temperature which radiates my impulse
love is in this place of faith
two places with two doors to explore
dreams to take me away
dreams to put me in flight
in light never give up on the fight
a new day comes in the morning
then without warning I'm pushed
back to reality in such a hurry
only to explore more of what ?

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