hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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When The Tales Awake



Views: 212

where would you go to escape if the fairy books awoke ?
would you run into a galaxy of mazes and stars
and colors so beautiful that only the most innocent could tell of ?
would you hide in a room with only the cowardly and then form together...

in all your fear and make a mountain ?
would you stay and play beautiful music and tell melancholy tales
for Robin & Marion
and the other outlaws ?

would you leap into a thousand kisses
or float into eternity ?
would you laugh in the courtyards of queens and dance
to the maiden's

songs of unicorns and dragons ?
or would you play games with all the children of
the unknown fairy tales
and guide Mili and be her angel ?

would you laugh and cry
with the winds
and fly away with the swans ?

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