hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Views: 215



you hit a tender nerve as if you haven't already heard

there are some forces behind the scenes in evil schemes

having thought provocative lucid dreams of hay

you got to earn your respect today so don't daily

heavy hearts are being torn in the night living by sight

the soul is closed to every notion of love

a heavy hand bleeds as it releases its seed

as the farmer plants his crop floks today want to act like a cop

they police up and down the scene with their twisted ways.

some folks like with a silver spoon lost inside their blue lagoon

we all need to come together to cherish each other

like a man looks to his lover kind of under cover

but no matter what the weather you can stand tall as light as a feather


Aretha Franklin sang of its message

other artists followed suit

we can claim its great call if we stop pretending we are the know it all

a good cause to smile cause its contagious

society today is getting outrageous

one foot in heaven while the other is in hell

yet I got a very good story to tell

such as the farmer waiting for his crop to grow

we must bust up the beat and increase the tempo

this is a sure fire way to tell you which way you should go

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KiloMsundrstd says:

love how you compile so much in each piece. this one flowed just the way it was suppose too!!

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