Kewayne Wadley | Poetry Vibe
Kewayne Wadley
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 26100
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contest winner
Passion And Ambition Seek The Same

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Views: 191
The people around disappear. My voice makes its way home. Finding comfort in your ear. You resonate within my heart. Stirring a soul that no longer knows fear. In the end all that I knew before will no longer exist. Everything chipped and shattered in a million pieces.  Sheer signs of destruction. But still I drunk, knowing the full consequence. The shaping of objects that no longer obstruct view. The people all around completely unaware. The existence of something awoken by a single thought. Pulled in by the urge of a single whisper. Spilled from the brim of hand to mind. A sweet substance grown to stick as it cools. The thought of being held, embraced in the flicker of light. A moment worth being withheld a moment longer. Not a moment to criticize nor. but a moment of introduction. To take such gift and wish that this could last for more than a moment. More than two. To stir something so factious. So addictive. At that moment I realized what I was missing

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JustOneStoryTeller says:

Yeah sometimes those last drinks can take you over and some places you wish you would not have went to lol but at the time it looks like heaven "right?" lol

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