The Cunning Linguist | Poetry Vibe
The Cunning Linguist
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 14000
contest winner
lightness in the dark
For every beautiful woman that you see somewhere, somewhere there's a man who's tired of looking at her.

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Love's Demise



Views: 207

Misty eyes a symbol I'm emotionally amiss,

and stuck between 2 worlds I seem to know just don't exist,

the first world is the past where you and I felt only bliss,

the other one's the future where my lips feel lonely's kiss.


I long to travel backwards like I'm Mart McFly and Doc,

and maybe that's the thing I need to make the crying stop,

but presently the future's looming closer every day,

attempts to stop progression fail in mostly every way.


Perhaps it's all the karma laid along my chosen path,

to walk on back just means I'd cut my feet on broken glass,

it's like I know what's gonna happen; still it's some surprise,

to stand by helplessly and focus eyes on love's demise.


I wish that I could change it but it seems the future's wrote,

in boulders on my shoulders as I carry toothless hope,

that maybe things will turn around but I'm no optimist,

just primed for transformation cause it's like I'm optionless.


I'll try and walk this journey strong but God this journey's long,

my legs and knees are aching and my heart's a Journey song,

for I won't stop believing; hold on to that feelin yeah,

I've gone from boy to man; the end of road I feel is near.



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social seer says:

Great lament but the ending seems unclear. Wasn't sure how or if you came to terms with this loss.

JustOneStoryTeller says:

Felt your heart on this one, losing someone no matter how that looks is never easy when your heart is left behind and broken. But things always happen for a reason even though we can't always see it at the time. One day you will look back and smile and say thank you Lord for pushing me down the path. Nice one!

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