Kavindra | Poetry Vibe
This poet practices good karma and posts comments 23600
contest winner
lightness in the dark
This latest poem - I am just not sure -the message is sound but it starts a bit odd - ah who am I kidding I am eccentric

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Views: 325

What you think is


what is

is hidden


truth of deceiving

illusion of personality


The minds programmed reality


seeing isn't believing

believing is seeing


why do beings refuse to believe

ask and ye shall receive


deceived by your own thinking

lost soul from man's command

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mrmelody7 says:

Intricate reflections

JustOneStoryTeller says:

Nice one lady, it is true, people do tend to hide behind the mask way to much and the hidden agendas are way over the top it makes it hard to really know what and who is really real anymore. Nice one!

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LP45 says:

Very nice write. Thanks for sharing.

kavindra says:


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Newpanther says:

main course meal poetry.... well done...

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