Sktzo | Poetry Vibe
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Personal Actuality



Views: 239

I manipulate your limbic system by method of using my universal telekinetic sociology
Understanding behavioral effects of my word play psychology
I’ve implanted seeds of thought by inception
And hope to have you better understand my SOUL’S dichotomy

I roam your mind in the spiritual bodily before your soul does nastily atrophy
Spoken with an exclamation and there is no apostrophe
Offer my TRUTH to your mentality
Without grabbing your attention by using word sensuality

I was placed here boldly in the bodily
To start a new poetic “Spiritually Inclined” colony
For as I look around I see nothing but a horribly tragic comedy
Humanity seems to me to be such a perplexing anomaly
They turn over a new leaf daily even if it’s not a good policy
Their self worth is subdued by insecurity
Which in turn makes their personality a tad bit wobbly

I don’t seek pity, anger, respect or even an apology
For I NOW look within my own soul and my own biology

Never arrogant, for I am a man of intellectual modesty
I speak abrupt with honesty and I hate the gossipy
I now have you enter into my world
Because I will envelop you and take you on my verbal odyssey
Have you enjoy my word play and take home a grammatic novelty

I am the most modern epitome of a walking anomaly
I am who I am, and NO I DO NOT offer the world an apology
I tell the world to Hell with Itself, and I say quite audibly
For I am who I be due to my genetics and biochemical biology

I have always been KNOWN
To be a man of sincerity and blunt honesty
I have no need to brag of any of my accomplishments thus I prefer modesty
And I made it my entire life goal to make MY existence an adventurous odyssey

In this verbally orchestrated harmonious colloquy
I will be discussing the fact
That I’m the living testimonial progeny
Of a genetic prodigy spewed forth in this prosody

I can and will soon disclose my spiritually encoded genealogy
Neurosynaptic information transmitting system
Is not a prison to the emotionally charged schisms
Redundancy, as I see the world crumble in great abundancy

From earlier times I learned to have designed my own mind
So I would be much more inclined to be a man of great quality
Standing on the clouds of the firmaments solidly
Spewing forth more verbiage that most have never heard as “They Are” uncommonly
“I am so therefore I think”
And act with the best intention and I say it solemnly

I endlessly
Witness the world converge into an even greater atrocity
And at a pace in this place of great time space velocity
I’m a self created willingly uncommonly oddity
We ONLY TRUST ourselves because we ONLY believe in our own comradery
While others may be laughingly hocking and mocking
We still pursue the life of a factual identity
And we CAN NOT stand when we feel people are pryingly lying to “ME”.

For I have always been and remain a spiritual man of autonomy
My mind set is quite mysterious and it’s revealed uncommonly
I have learned over time to show my love and faith by a self created doxology
And although I believe in the equality of all humanity
I look around and see HATE shown throughout histories angered ferocity
And yet unequivocally, we systemically and never modestly conceal the idolatry
And our programmed psychology in society
Has been nurtured since our childhood ideologies

For my mental monopoly of ideas are stirred and blurred
Once my other selves have joined in the conversation and concurred
Nothing but disdain for a life of arduous monopoly
For I desire my surrounding company to be that of quality never quantity

And this is my metaphysical slightly cynical prophecy
And it just might happen MUCH sooner than later - quite possibly
And it hurts to know that it’s horribly envisioned with the color of bloodily burgundy

Now understandably
I was NEVER a wannabe who would speak sloppily hypocritical mockery theology
At a rate of a faster tenacity or unequaled light speed velocity
I studied and gained wisdom over the years by historic, philosophical, and vocabularic robbery
And yet probably I used to be a “Sadistic Being”
Who would wantonly spew forth secretions of past incredulous monstrosities
And that’s what I used to repeat disdain for my past actual ghetto geography

My own curiosity and self loathing hypocrisy
Destroyed the love that I had for my past genealogy
I then studied numerology, religion, astrology and the mathematics of astronomy
Trying to BETTER understand the history of my own ethnology

Growing up filled with disturbed images and pure wicked animosity
I had NOTHING but negativity and at such a deliberate constancy
For I withdrew from the populace as I studied suppressed information and documents
And it became quite obvious that I wouldn’t be impervious to controlling my synaptic neurology

Now mind you
This is just a brief intro written in poetic format as a possible autobiography
Which I must include that I was recently filled
With religiosity but NO, it was not my “Daily Bread” type philosophy

I became a man that which I would gladly proclaim his name
To the point that I would bring no more strain or more pain
At times I feel as if the old version of me is improperly trying to have strength regain
BUT I refuse him to get any momentum or try to hold me back and restrain

Over time
I came to realize that most of My Being
Could be calculated into some kind of commodity
For I am so consistently constant in my constancy
And no longer do I need to use much more words in analogies
I let go of all relative frivolity type pathology
And I began to see life with a new pair of metaphysical spiritual optometry
I was placed into a mental cocoon and was given high doses of ‘Highly reactive Radiology’
Which penetrated my spirits bone marrow, to make me more functional in this society
By using the power of articulated oratory sociology

So now I run on with my life story as if there is never a need for an apostrophe
You will KNOW the real me if you look carefully at my verbal archaeology

ONLY love for self, my daughter, and elevation is what pumps my cardiology
And I feel strengthened even more as I disclose my repose in such non-stigmatic chronology
And so I now constantly with hold even the thought of dishonesty
Because I prefer to be open and direct without modesty
No matter if I am told I am filled with hurtful word generosity

For my spiritual seeds are put forth to create new envisioned embryology
I hope you can take the food for thought and digest it properly in your gastroenterology
Now as I have risen beyond the ashes like phoenix, and to PAIN, I now have total immunology
I KNOW it’s an impossibility with grand credibility that I would never live a life of mediocrity

The red blood cells that flow in my hematology
Are divine in their essence, and they flow in my physiology
I have transcended ALL pain beyond the mindscape of humanity
Which helped me in my mental, emotional, and intellectual morphology

Now for the brief study of own life patterns and mathematical numerology
I learned my anatomy was designed to encompass genetics of the divine biology
And now my words are tactfully used in word play psychology
Creating more minds to shake than a 9.0 quake found in seismology
I must say this clearly to those afar and near me if you choose to hear me
That I’m NO LONGER a man filled with pessimistic “woe is me” toxicology

I NOW come to recognize too, that I am even more quantum sub-atomically
An entity that’s demonstrably a man of methodology covered in dermatology
And my spirit is worth MORE than this fleshy vessel anatomically
And I CHOOSE whether or not to respond to situations monstrously

I speak quite powerfully consciously with strategic methodology
But also act and react beyond what’s expected of me consciously
And I shall NEVER again think like a man of despondency
So I changed my ways of thought by use of my frontal lobe mentality
Which has proven to work for me in this world of grand insanity
BUT, I still falter at the godly altar with some use of painful profanity

And because I think and act so incredibly responsibly
I have gained full control of my own spiritual sovereignty
With no more quarrels with self for any possible pain in my rheumatology
Because to acknowledge we are more than what is visual in our dermatology
We even surpass what is known scientifically of our so called God-Complex Psychopathy

So now my linguistic hieroglyphics heard and seen as audible ballistics
Are what NOW prove to myself that I am NOT nor could I allow myself to be a statistic
My belief in the great possibility of a fatherly loving deistic
Is probably what adds to my philanthropic desire to be that much more altruistic

I utilize my divine talents and skills which are mainly artistic
To try to soothe those with anger or with evil natures sadistic

Pathetically inclined to dine on the mind of this human divine rhyme
I wish to sit down and recline and help the global populace unwind
As I quantum tunnel words to enter your minds and intertwine

Now paradoxically
My mind sees the world like a lens for cinematography
And I now consciously control the thoughts I have unconsciously
I now stand erect yet my thoughts are grounded horizontally
Because I now mimic Gods character, although perfectly imperfect ironically

And now I end this with a bow as I exit “Stage Right” gracefully
I no longer offer pathogens of prolific passages hatefully

For I am better than anything and everything
I ever thought I would be and yet enigmatically
I still use some of my past pain
To propel me further into the cosmos happily charismatically

So farewell to the people of this group
As I now end this smiling and laughingly
I am in direct conflict with this worlds mental sobriety
And I will do it eternally happily!

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