KiloMsundrstd | Poetry Vibe
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Mental Inspiration


Views: 327

Every time my fingers touch these keys I have an out of body experience.. Stimulated on how your touch electrifies me.. Just flows through my fingertips.. Sometimes good thoughts, other times bad but all in all the scales are tipped in your favor.. So many alphabetical clouds but not enough avenues to express them.. I have a small net in a mind full of large characters.. Like an emporium worker attempting to catch them like butterflies; I sweep through trying to put words together to explain how, why and when my heart beats for you.. A song will have me piecing words together like the duo's on the soul train scrabble board.. My inspiration is endless because the essence of your soul is trapped within me.. A place where not everything survives.. A safe place but at times the caged dragon that resides there burns these character before I can capture them on a pad.. But yours always remain.. Over all that is important to me you remain.. does he understand the bond and allow you to live on or is it dumb luck? Either way I'm ecstatic.. I close my eyes and reach for you.. Not with my hands but with my mind.. Your always within a lobes reach.. I find you in the most comfortable places within; there, waiting to please and hungry for words to fall off my lips.. Eager to take care of me like a mother nurturing her child.. Inside my head is the only place i can be me.. Take my shield down and unwind from the battles of day to day life.. To not lead but follow.. Follow a queen and let her rule this empire which is life.. Twisted, curved and split is the road I travel constantly.. Never easy to navigate but with you I need no Garmin, just trust that you'll get me to my destination.. All along I've been wondering where the road ends instead of looking at who I'm blessed to travel it with.. Fear was the item that needed to be buried in order to continue on. With synced minds the unknown have been extinguished and dragon slayed... traveling through life as one. 

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