SinaiXpressions | Poetry Vibe
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contest winner
lightness in the dark
Just because my journey is different, doesn't mean I'm lost.

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  brigadier general
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Views: 343
on every level you make my mind spirit and soul settle until I'm elevated the real breed of your blood makes me boil the butterflies i feel when you've got total control there will never be another anatomy That will ever provide your cataplasm you heal every aching part of me Just the sound of your voice it's still enough to hold me on your very cusp so I'm always gonna speed to you Need to be in the state of your love That emotion gives me no above like no way can I get higher You keep me at my peak So elevated with assurance of relief Fulfilling desires you don't even know Your swag turns me demure Could you really be the cure How could I ever again settle. when I'll always be stuck on this level of no greater height Baby fly my kite. Just keep me elevated. ...

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LP45 says:

Nice work.
Contest Winner  

hymnagen says:

I love the sentiment, but your vocabulary took it to the next level. Digz this!

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