hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Hit A Tender Nerve



Views: 257



freedom is just another word

we search through loose loop holes

at the parting of the seams

yet I stand alone outside

through its briars of ivy dew

for I hit a tender nerve

as if you haven't heard

inside we hide behind four walls that bind

we can mix words in the sultan of swing

in its direct correlation between love and fate

words are like weapons they wound sometime


through lucid dreams we can come aware

the sullen brevity in which we share

I shed a single tear to numb its pain

not having her in my arms is driving me insane

through the flame the heart skips a beat

from my head down to my feet

sounds of laughter hidden in its embelished prompt

hit a tender nerve toward that of a want

time will teach all of us the path toward our journey toward home


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