hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Love your Neighbor


just different

Views: 184

Jesus said it best but many of us disagree his humble plea
Shades of red, white & blue but nothing knew
It used to be customary to hold open then door but I guess that's too Studio 64
In times of trouble Mother Mary comes to me speaking words of wisdom,

Learn to love like ever before lest I simply implore
The turning of the tide yet we want to run away & hide
To hide behind the false hidden garb of compromise no surprise
Let us dig deeper then ever before to shower the people with love

This kind was crafted & created from heaven up above
Love your neighbor as you would yourself
There's no use in putting that book back on it's shelf
Many hide behind a mask cause their to afraid to reveal their true selves

Thank the good Lord from above with his love
As a brightened rainbow with filtered colors of rich red, yellow & blue
High above the sky we all whisper it's nothing knew
Shelter lies dormant amidst it's beckoning plow

As a beacon of light to a much hurting world in need
Many outside having viscous fangs that bite watch as you bleed
Sullen promise made in the dark have now come to it's fullest of light
Wave your banners high for all to see & light the flame to sweet victory !

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