mrmelody7 | Poetry Vibe


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I Feel So Real and I owe it all to you-Tribute song for my very favorite Singer and Special friend Natalie Cole-still connected-Feel so real Steve Arrington

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Nonesense Poem



Views: 394

This poem dont know why always stuck in my mind

I was in maybe 4th grade 99 percent white kindergarden

through eigth it was a well rounded school that gave me

a solid foundation of who I am today. like from K through 4th

we went once a week sit on the floor in a circle in the Library

the teacher would read us these early grade stories billy goat gruff winnie the pooh and we had acess to the books I recall reading this poem talkin many moons ago decades ago just a kid still remember it dont know why the poem was titled nonesense poem author unknown

it truly remind me of the present administration senate and congresss they are full of nonesense

One bright day in the middle

of the night

two dead boys got up

to fight

back to back they faced each other

drew their swords and shot each other

deaf police heard the noise

came and shot the two dead boys

if you dont believe this lie

is true

ask the blind man

he saw it too



Go Figure


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The Immortal Wize says:

This is DOPE!!!

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mrmelody7 says:

Thank you its like a brain teaser like watching a short comical video

Mickey2034 says:

Thank you Cuz for brain teaser! 😊

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mrmelody7 says:

HA HA HELLO Mickey had no idea it was my cuz the school was West Middle

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