they say that only god can judge them
and theyre right
order in the court room
do you know his law
or do you need a lawyer
its no telling what it is he might sentence you to
so dont forget to repent
you just got called to the stand
place your left hand on the bible
and raise your right hand
let the proceedings begin
you have been found in content
and we intend to expose you
for all your transgressions and sins
the verdict is in
and for the severity of the charge
theyll be no bail set
you shall be sentenced to life on earth
until death
youll spend all of your days working
and paying off large debts
your mind will recieve no rest
your heart will be broken again and again
no stopping it
the pain will persist
if youd only hearken unto his word
this case would be dismissed
but youd rather still go against
and do what you feel like is best
all he asks is that you keep his commandments
and thats it