I've experienced enough prejudices
to know how racism looks, smells, taste
and feels don't tell me to sit down
or shut up I rather stand and speak
our ancestors are here they came
in the storm armed anger & rage
in their palms wielding rods of steel
had us running and fleeing uphill
we cry and mourn those who
have gone instead of being happy
for those who have been set free
time is now not tomorrow to see
5:55, 4:44, 3:33, 2:22, 11:11
even Stevie Wonder & Ray Charles
saw the smoke that went up and the flames
that came down this world will not rest
nor will pain cease for the living until
the ancestors rest in peace there will
be unrest in this world and country's
with many casualties come awakenings
rising up to slay the beast and yes
this beast will fall at the feet of us all
all it takes is to wait we have always
lived by faith from Emit Teal to Tupac
names on the list flowing nonstop
death is not the end it never was
if you would just open up your eyes
long enough to not fall back to sleep
you would see the legion's of tribes
surrounds you whispering sitya loss
it's a beautiful sight and those words
will profound you fear not loss
tho blood is the cost wait your gain
you are not alone look around you
people say, "stop living in the past
it's the past that keeps on repeating its self
what choice do we have to not relive it
how can a wound heal if it keeps getting
picked on until it starts bleeding again
fear the power of your God not man