ts735bSTUDENT10 | Poetry Vibe
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Hunger Wrought A Haunting Spectre


Views: 130

Deprivation of adequate nourishment

particularly during during the critical years of puberty

one factor I surmise contributed my stymied, stultified

and squelched maximum growth of my body, mind, soul...

as if this now middle aged mwm counted among famine stricken.

The core of this atomized aural, cerebral, earl

lee pupil per deaths depredations led me to explore

deep hidden and longing per suicide

nobody within thine family of origin fully understood.

The plentiful though finite nutritious resources

extant within the hearth and home sans majority of birthdays spent

could not nudge nor budge this Earthling

to sustain his burgeoning, decimating, and fostering harmfulness

to thyself, when just a mere whippersnapper.

A glimmer of ghastly images

brought into stark focus via the occipital lens

an emotional distortion, and revealed revulsion

enough to silence thine corporeal being with one last breath.

Speculation found me ruminating why

an abortifacient appropriate decision

never made, which the fluke of biological reproduction begat

despite both parents willingly aspiring to bear offspring

yet, unbeknownst to themselves

that their only son would experience

pervasive sense of worthlessness.

Only later in thee life of this scribe

did omnipotent bonds of cohesion and joie de vivre

supplant the kamikaze orbital downward spiral

pointing at self induced demised, now which psychological state

poses inscrutable mystery, and usury of precious time

Whereat now, each moment savored

scrunching thy brow with deprivation for healthy maturation

and shake this head in bafflement, what aversion to existence

witnessed hollowed cheekbones, and mere skeletal specimen

most frightful to those who loved their heir unconditionally.

The nightmare engendering total apathy towards self

akin to mental nuclear obliteration casting an internal war

reconnaissance reached against mine recalcitrant quiet riot

thru stealth reconnoitering remedy visited upon my fountainhead

reinstating repatriation of thine boyish body, mind and soul.

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