hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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Head & The Master Of Puppets



Views: 198

Head & The Master Of Puppets


in the dark hours of the imperial gorge of existence between space and time

there lived a wanderer who used to live in caves with lucid personifications

trapped within the surface he was let loose to roam for miles beyond the Berkshires in Barkhampstead

the gentleman had a weird look to him a head shaped as if a by which he gat his name

there was a direct correlation between that of laughter and fear so he shed a tear to numb the inner pain

the man in question put a curse on a nearby village with a twisted hex on it

through the taunt vibrations of sullen brevity through the vortex of the region


in cooperation with a nearby puppeteer master who set forth to dazzle his audience

building an audience to enhance their well being yet he still felt trapped inside

there was good cause to quit along his surmountable journey but he survived

eating wild oats and acorns for survival he was on his way

head managed to put forth a garden with a beautiful arrangement of flowers

in the cold chill of the winter he would live on canned jarred pickles

the imperial gorge would shine with two faces leaving sorted traces

then one night there was a fight between head and the master of puppets

swords were drawn and the both cursed the very day the were actually born

yet head was the victor slicing off the master of puppets right ear lobe

never did the pair square off again from then on they became friends.


seeking to both build a kingdom by the sea a simple pleasant place of homily

seasoned visitors would quart the populace exposed with works of art & poets

there they would bask in the vast expanse of cheap wine and everything was fine

a blade of grass was torn from the very fabric of earths existence

an unusual source that made things sparkle with magic in their sight

forget the night & the day was far to spent

a sought after Equestrian horse with a hammerhead nose was brought in

head threw up inside his mouth but the puppeteer gave him a tissue

the pair would live long in this place together making sweet history

although al of life seems to be filled with a clueless mystery














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