hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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I'm Still In The game



Views: 242



my philosophy is that my peeps are glad to see a different side of me

we can humbly agree the streets are not the same when everyones playing the name game

got Eminem still on his way to fame but don't forget about Nas cause he's no lost cause

got beats from my hip sipping on the line when everybody around you is quite fine

fashionable jeans with Goochie hand bags forget about North Korea and their sand bags

Trump in is ivory tower but why do we even bother to keep on hearing him holler

there's reason for my being in the changing of the season with Drake in good taste

this is the melting pot so watch it shine cause Vitale is in the mix so kiss his behind

its your choice to salute the flag or not or have you forgot this spoken melody

those are the things we used to see while were out there getting our college degree

save the drama for your momma and we can't forget Obama he such a charmer

but you knew it would be like this getting caught up in the mix waiting for your next fix


like a jewel in the Nile we can learn all the great while we got a shoulder to stand

with an infinite plan to spread it out upon the masses no one deserves second classes

our history books have proven that we need to take part in a solution

a nation united in love but some of us want to sweep things under the rug

got high hopes for the undersground sound cause they still got me in the game

not grabbing that text is like driving me insane but who are we to blame

with cats having blue hats they stuggle for assistance in joing in the resistance

we got to learn to fight the power or take a nice cold shower

don't look down on me cause I'm not dead yet but I'm going to be the man you'll never forget

make the melody gell with you and me then you will see sweet lasting harmony.

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