hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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On Point



Views: 189



for I see you from a far Twisted Sister and a whammy bar

got some junk in my trunk but its the hour of power

life is a test I must clearly confess but all liars to rest

many are being tossed to and fro from the under tow

but I'm staying on point this is my dope joint

remembering better times with loose leafed rhymes

amidst all the tragedy we are led to believe

created a gap between heaven and hell

heaven's door onto so much more

drifting right up into the sky

not a fly by nor a ham on rye

kept my coat checked back in the coat room

I was their that day when I made my play


out on the dance floor seeking to even the score

twists and turns one soul soars while the other soon will burn

precious and few are the moments we used to share

living life large without a will to care

cause I'm on point being busy as a bee

dropping dope rhymes making sweet history

the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak

now is a good time enough to go take a leak

soar as high as the eagle far past the widows peak

seeking longevity watching those suckers bleed

I'm on point always got something up my sleave

but these are perilous time on how we settled for ill but faded rhymes

at times we all go broke and that's no joke

got to break the mends cause it all depends

upon ambition soething I've been wishing

someday to reach the top listening to home beats drop


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