hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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The Labyrinth City



Views: 174

The Labyrinth City

back in the old days of yore
lived a Warlock who made vested figurines
selling them on side walk near the village queen
a humble guard of the Knights palace would watch him for security
The warlock had a vision one night that he visibly saw a Labyrinth city
beautiful maze of fresh Autumn trees would permeate one's inner senses to believe
he used this vision as a plan to replicate it toward man
constructing his own inner circle in time it was they chosen day in which it arrived
King & Queen were there to share the anticipation with a song
each coridor exploded with lines in their pefect circumference
a noted scholar was surprised when he entered to doorway to this vast domain
climbing through one opening to the next one's heart was in a deep fix
even the court jester made note of the corridors and billows it with follow

soon the Labyrinth city was found to be very busy with a whole host of people
trying to find the end as if it was some great game
then in the middle there was a midget playing second fiddle
colors of vast oblation taking apart of the scene
an explosion of sorts until finally the end with a great opening to the Warlocks dwelling
inside they would celebrate in praise and song
from one Warlock with a dream that came true as it seemed until
the bottom dropped out of the pendulim and all would scream
for the city was fully under siege knocking many to their knees
The warlock in question didn't know what he should do
for he had bitten off far more then he could ever chew
but he saved the best for last full aware that there might be atttacks.
one switch from his home sent the invaders to the deadly plight
for at last the kingdom was at peace and the rest of this tale was played out in sweet history

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