hitalot879 | Poetry Vibe
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a bit of prairie to seed that other earth I hold inside my mind

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The Sea



Views: 172



passing away of a cloud

rolling waves tossed to & fro

the mere fragrance of truth is love

in life we make plans we even break plans

we walk on broken glass in place of fine china

for I exist as a vapor then I am no more

rich language of love coming from heaven with love

love is the essence of my inner existence learn to shun the resistance

out of every circumstance we can learn to take part in the dance

you are a chosen vessel a royal priesthood

silence is golden as some are witholding

sweet solitude in no good mood



we breath in deeply the let out the pain

not having her in my arms is driving me insane

many flirt with fire and that's still no good

on a plated adventure like Maiden Mary & Robin Hood

its all good when your living like you suppose to

come with me to my kingdom by the sea

soft pillows with fine silk linen on the base

we must learn to face each outer embrace

coming apart at the seams in some evil scheme

still we must dig deeper then ever before

through barbed wire fences in second glances


the sea longs for each one of us to embrace

a plight in life as in some outer space

we must respect each others feeling

an leave room for an opened door

lest I implore another godless chore

many want more but then again what

in our twentieth century world in quite a rush

the distant push to reach that of heaven's door

the sea is with some a distant fond memory

with both family & friends

a hope that good times would never end

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