love_supreme | Poetry Vibe
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lightness in the dark
We will make it through this. Believe that.

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She Feeds Me



Views: 363

I have been back and forth and she has been there for me. This sounds like a short story with a short ending, but is foreshadowed with smoke and rotating laser beams and the eerie sounds of house music. 

The world was filled with noise and she made things quiet and I was in solitude with her. I sat at her table and it made me stable and soft. I was on a merry-go-round made of clouds and dreams of what I thought would be but in the here and now of what should have truly been. 

She was always napkin ready to feed my soul and be the best part of me. The part that hungers and burns for something that I cannot identify but always trying to put my soul around it. She feeds it. 

I am lost with her and found with her. She feeds me.

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